Welcome to the HASH FILES!!


This is my space to share some stories on a daring life of adventures, hardship, success and failures and outrageous pivotal decisions.  I will share fun interesting stories, philosophical insights whilst documenting personal growth, set-backs, failures and disappointments- all part of the healthy cycle of life.

Starting chronologically with some of the positive and negative experiences that forged my character and identity from childhood that the die is cast

 Growing with the positives and shackles of that my young adult life with a thirst for discovering the world outside of a care free life of outer suburban mediocrity to curiously getting a thirst to discover the world by learning foreign histories, backpacking, hitchhiking, skydiving, BASE jumping, language learning and ‘go native’ cultural immersion.

I will covers some of life’s hard consequences, fuck-ups, single parenting, getting paralysed and being a single parent in a wheelchair when my daughter was 3, and continuing to travel the world & living in China. Ego and humility, self depreciation and why i prefer the word cripple to disability. Self development without ticking boxes, sailing, bobsleigh, flying planes, partying and other ‘cripple’/life adventures

I also share personal insights to have the discipline to deal with chronic pain, pain meditation, daily physio/self maintenance, “character building” to be an interesting person, how to face extreme fears and adversity, & how to see the world and ‘three-quarters of a cup full’ lens, be grateful, and live a meaningful life worth living, no matter what the circumstances and random fun stories.                ………………………

Adventure is about having a mind-set of curiosity to explore the unknown and mine the depths of the moment. More on the title “The HASH FILES’ later in the blog.

Seize the day!!!

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